Address: Twenteroute 8, Varsseveld
The competition site is located opposite De Radstake which is on the N18, the road from Doetinchem to Enschede, between Varsseveld and Lichtenvoorde.
From Arnhem you need to take the highway A12 Arnhem – Oberhausen (GER) and drive further on the A18 depart Doetinchem / Enschede.
Drive past Doetinchem to the end of this highway and turn by the trafficlights to the right to Enschede. Just follow the road / signs Enschede and the competition ground lies at your right side. Stables are on the left side.
From Enschede you need to follow the N18 and drive by Haaksbergen, Eibergen, Groenlo and Lichtenvoorde. The competition ground lies on your left side and stables on the right side of the road.