About us
The Achterhoeks Hippisch Festijn is an yearly equestrian sport event which takes a prominent place in Holland. During these 3 days the main focus is on the International Horse Event. National and international top riders are signing up for this every year. For example Blyth Tait (Olympic champion of Atlanta 1996), Micheal Jung (Olympic champion London 2012) and Ingrid Klimke (Olympic champion 2012) stood at the start in Varsseveld.
The audience can enjoy the sporting performance of men and horse every day of the event. On Sunday there will be numerous shows, activities and the battle for the Ben Gilbers prize.
This all is made possible by ponyclub Varus and riding association Varsseveld, a big group of volunteers and landowners who provide their land for the event. If the event results in a positive financial result pony club Varus and riding association Varsseveld will share this.
Johan Venderbosch, 06-51321824 (Chairman)
Barend Dirksen (vice-chairman)
Ger Breukelaar
Menno Koch
Robert Venderbosch
Judith Groters (secretary office)
Bernadette van Beerschoten (secretary office)
Sponsor commission
Menno Koch
Barend Dirksen
Ger Breukelaar
Some numbers and data:
Terrain: +/-25 ha
Attendance Horse Event: +/-160 starts
Length cross coutnry: +/-3.500 meter
Jumping arenas: 2
Number of obstacles cross country: +/-30
Het Achterhoeks Hippisch Festijn wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door grondeigenaren: R. Domhof, Familie B. Hoftijzer, Familie Radstake ‘Stolten’, Gemeente Oude IJsselstreek, Familie W. Gussinklo, Familie Paas, Familie A. Gussinklo, Familie Kolenbrander, VAMAC, Familie W. Ligterink, Familie J. Venderbosch, mevrouw D. Voortman, Familie G. Hengeveld, Familie G. te Pas, Gebroeders Stoltenborg en Familie H. Bongen.